Neues Model 1-Faden Tragbare mit Differential-Rolltransport Sackverschließmaschine für professionelle Anwendungen.
GK1800 - GK9-18 von Keestar näht von Papiersäcke, Jute, Polypropylen, Kartofelsäcke,Weizensäcke, Müllsäcke, Leinen mit Kunststoffeinlage, Kunststoffgewebe, Geotextilien, Polyäthylen u.s.w. aber natürlich auch: Planen (z.B. Lkw Planen). etc. Stitchlänge: 6-7mm, Anschluss: 220 Volt. Gewicht Netto: 3,5 kg. Stitch type 101. Fusshub - bis max 5 mm
Model: Keestar GK1800 mit Rollen(bennant als SK09-18, GK9-18G oder DY09-18 )
Differential-Transport: ja
Durchlaß 6 - 7 mm, 5040 Rpm
Motor 105 Watt , 220 V
Gewicht netto. 3,7 kg
Abmessung: 330 x 268 x 100 mm
Nadel Typ N26 , N27 oder DPx5 140
das gesamtgewicht der Maschine sind nur 3,7 kg deshalb liegt sie auch sehr gut in der Hand
(funktionsprobe wurde durchgeführt)
Abmessung: 330 x 268 x 160 mm
Nadel Typ N26 , N27
Thread type 21count, 2x3 Polyester
Hinweise: Nach Erhalt der Maschine unbeding mehr Bilder mit Digitalkamera aufnehmen auch VIDEO wie die Faden eingefädelt ist.
PORTABLE BAG CLOSER is a latest and upgraded product, which is used for closing bags. An advanced material-fixing, feeding mechanism and thread-hooking device are employed on this machine, on the principal rotating parts of which tiny and precious needle, radial or rod end knuckle bearings are installed. The machine therefore features a high wear resistance, low noise, easy maintenance and dismantling and long working life. An automatic mechanical cutter is provided for cutting threads after sewing is finished and high/medium/slow speed variation device installed for sewing all kinds of bags. Paper bags, plastic woven bags, paper-plastic compound bags and gunny bags etc. (in varies thicknesses). Even at an unstable working voltage, it can work well. With flexible, attractive stitches, reliable sealing and easy bag dismantling, the machine is the best bag closer.
It unit comes inclusive with sewing thread and spare needles and is straight away operable (plug & play).

SK09-18 PORTABLE BAG CLOSER is a lastest and upgraded product for Germany Markt, which has been
designed to stitch paper, plastic, net, jute, raffia, textile bags etc. with different thickness from
thin to thick. wholly metallic built, the well processed components ensures a great performance
also with heavy materials and hard duty work. The machine is light and handy, allowing easy
and fast operations. The large overarm allows to stitch thin, medium, and thick bags. The one
thread simple chain stitch gives a very strong, simple and quick bag stitching. The alternated
looper avoids the thread's entanglement and the stitch failure.
Stitch type: Single threads 101
Thread type: 20count, 2×3 Polyester
Stitch Length: 6-7mm
Net weight: 3.7 kg
Power supply: 220V/44V
Rated Power: 105W
Our portable bag closer is of the best quality among the Sewtex made machines special for Germany. We aim to supply clients the quality machine and services. Till now, we do not receive any complain from any of our clients nether for the quality of the machine nor for the quality of our services. And many clients told us that the quality of our machine is really very goods and our price is so competitive.
Мешкозашивочная машина SK09-18 является новой моделью и разработана для зашивания бумажных, полипропиленовых, джутовых, пластиковых, сетевых мешков.
Полностью металлический корпус, качественное изготовление деталей и механизмов позволяет прошивать достаточно тяжелые материалы и работать при больших нагрузках.
Машина легкая по весу по сравнению с другими аналогами, поэтому позволяет производить операции легко и быстро.
Большой вылет рукава позволяет обрабатывать широкий спектр мешков.
Технические характеристики:
Тип стежка - Однониточный цепной стежок
Длина стежка 6-7 мм
Толщина прошиваемого материала до 6 мм
Параметры электродвигателя 90 Вт, 50Гц, 220В
Производительность 50 мешков в час
Вес нетто,